


Peer Review Process

Peer review is a crucial step in the publication process. It ensures that the research papers meet high standards of quality and rigour. Peer review also helps authors to improve their work by providing constructive feedback and suggestions. The SPDC Dnyanakosh Research Journal publishes manuscripts that are based on scientific analysis and empirical evidence of the research work. The journal relies on the cooperation of editors and reviewers to provide an independent and accurate evaluation of the results presented. The manuscript reviewers assess the quality and validity of the research papers based on the information provided by the authors. They recommend the necessary revisions to improve the clarity and rigor of the papers.

The editors assign three independent reviewers to each manuscript that passes the initial screening. The reviewers evaluate the quality and originality of the contribution based on the journal's criteria. Referees are chosen by the editor and this cannot be changed. All parties involved in the editorial and peer review process of submitted manuscripts must not disclose any information about it. The peer review process is anonymous and confidential; reviewers do not know who the authors are. Reviewers must keep the manuscripts confidential.

All submissions are double-blind peer-reviewed by the experts in the corresponding area.

Manuscripts reviewing are entirely confidential. Reviewer’s decision and any information about the submitted article is not disclosed to anybody, except the author.

After notifying the author about the manuscript, if it is approved for publication, he/she is obliged to submit personally signed Copyright Agreement.

Submitted articles are sent to editorial review and peer review. Received manuscripts are validated in due course, and the decision will be taken according to the peer reviewers comments. The decision taken will be communicated to the author by journal’s Editors via e-mail.